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Rosanne Dingli said in August 20th, 2010 at 12:43 am

Tim, I am bookmarking this for when I have more time for reading. Yes – there is a lot of potential in this subject. You need to get together a really good book proposal. I have no time to help you, but there are numerous sites that show you how. A part of your project should be defining your market and identifying your agent / publisher. I found AuthorAdvance a very good place. They provide you with a database to keep your submissions… free.

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Amy Pearl said in August 20th, 2010 at 3:28 pm

Hi Tim- My good friend Cyndi Brandenburg passed this link on to me as I have suffered 2 episodes of AFib and an episode of what was called Junctional Rhythm. I was cardio-converted for my first AFib episode and my second episode thankfully corrected itself after many hours. I walk through life feeling like a ticking time bomb just waiting for the next episode to hit…still not knowing what caused my episodes and not knowing what I can do to try and prevent the next one. I loved reading your wonderfully written pieces. Thanks so much for putting your words, feelings, and experiences out there for others to read.

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